Unleash Your Branding Potential with Sunine’s Versatile UV Laser Marking Machine

Sunine has emerged as a trailblazer in UV laser marking machine. In the ever-evolving world of product branding and traceability, Sunine’s UV1000C and UV1010C laser marking machines stand out as innovative solutions that redefine precision and efficiency. These cutting-edge devices harness the power of ultraviolet (UV) laser technology to deliver exceptional results, transforming the way businesses approach permanent product identification and personalization.

Versatile Design for Seamless Integration

Boasting a compact and adjustable design, these Sunine laser coders seamlessly integrate into even the most complex production environments. With a standard marking field of up to 110mm x 110mm and an optional expanded area of 600mm x 600mm, these machines offer unparalleled versatility, allowing you to emblazon your brand’s identity on a wide range of consumer electronics, plastics, and flexible printed circuit boards (FPCs).

Unparalleled Precision for Indelible Marks

The true standout feature of Sunine’s UV laser marking machines is their precision. Equipped with a high-precision 355nm end-pump UV laser source, these systems can achieve an astounding level of detail, with minimum character sizes as small as 0.2mm. This remarkable capability enables you to create stunning, indelible marks that elevate your products’ visual appeal and traceability.

Blazing Speed for Optimal Throughput

Complementing their precision, Sunine’s laser coders boast impressive speed, with marking rates of up to 18,000mm/s. This lightning-fast performance ensures optimal throughput, allowing you to maintain a seamless production flow and meet the demands of even the most fast-paced manufacturing environments.

Intuitive Control for Versatile Marking

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the Sunine UV1000C and UV1010C feature a highly-integrated motherboard with a 10-inch touch screen controller. Running on the intuitive V5 operating system, these machines grant users effortless control over a wide range of marking options, including serial numbers, batch numbers, barcodes, QR codes, logos, and intricate multi-text and graphic designs.


Whether you’re a manufacturer of consumer electronics, cosmetics, or any other industry seeking to elevate your branding and traceability game, Sunine’s UV laser marking machines are the perfect partners. With their uncompromising precision, speed, and user-friendly operation, these cutting-edge devices empower businesses to leave a lasting, indelible impression on their products and customers alike.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBj6NE6P0U4


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