Unlocking the Potential of Genome Sequencing Equipment with GeneMind

With a robust lineup of products designed to meet the diverse needs of researchers and laboratories, GeneMind has cemented its position as a leader in the field. From high-throughput sequencing platforms to automated sample preparation systems, the brand’s offerings are tailored to deliver exceptional performance and value.

Revolutionizing Research with SURFSeq 5000 High-throughput Sequencing Platform

At the forefront of GeneMind’s arsenal is the SURFSeq 5000 High-throughput Sequencing Platform. This bench-top genetic sequencer is engineered to handle multiple application scenarios with ease. Its fast sequencing speed, coupled with impeccable data quality, makes it a preferred choice for researchers delving into whole genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, and more. With the SURFSeq 5000, users can unlock new possibilities in scientific discovery and production delivery, backed by GeneMind’s unwavering commitment to excellence.

FASTASeq 300: Empowering Precision with Targeted Sequencing

For those focusing on targeted sequencing and whole-genome low-depth sequencing, the FASTASeq 300 Sequencing Platform emerges as a game-changer. Its innovative features, including breakthroughs in sequencing chemistry and high-density flowcell technology, empower users with unmatched flexibility and consistent data quality. Researchers can rely on the FASTASeq 300 to streamline their workflows and accelerate the delivery of high-quality data, setting new standards of efficiency in genomic research.

GenoLab M: Redefining High-throughput Sequencing

GeneMind’s commitment to innovation shines through in the GenoLab M High-throughput Sequencing Platform. Adopting the surface restricted fluorescence sequencing technique (SURFseq), this system offers unparalleled speed, flexibility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. Whether unraveling complex genetic mysteries or advancing precision medicine initiatives, the GenoLab M delivers results that exceed expectations, empowering researchers to push the boundaries of possibility.

Automated Excellence with MrLH-96 Automated Sample Preparation System

Completing GeneMind’s suite of offerings is the MrLH-96 Automated Sample Preparation System. Engineered for efficiency and precision, this automated solution revolutionizes high-throughput sequencing library construction and laboratory liquid processing. With its advanced features and customizable workflow design, the MrLH-96 ensures seamless integration into any research environment, saving time and resources while maximizing productivity.


In conclusion, GeneMind stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of genome sequencing equipment. With a diverse range of products designed to meet the evolving needs of researchers and laboratories, GeneMind continues to push the boundaries of possibility. From high-throughput sequencing platforms to automated sample preparation systems, each offering is crafted to deliver exceptional performance, reliability, and value. With GeneMind by their side, researchers can unlock new insights and propel scientific discovery forward.


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近年、再生可能エネルギーの普及に伴い、効率的な電力変換の重要性が増しています。産業用DC-ACインバータは、太陽光発電や風力発電などのクリーンエネルギーシステムにおいて、電力を安定的に供給するために不可欠なデバイスです。Sungrowは、この分野でのリーダーとして、信頼性と性能を兼ね備えた製品を提供しています。 Sungrowの技術的特長 SungrowのMVS7500-LVは、1500VDC分散型パワーコンディショナSG125HX-JP用のRMU内蔵変圧器を搭載しています。この製品は、高圧と低圧の分離構成を採用しており、独立した制御が可能です。これにより、電力システムの安定性が向上し、運用コストを低減します。 さらに、この産業用DC-ACインバータは、独立操作部の多重化安全機構を備えており、万が一のトラブル時にも安全に運用を続けることができます。Sungrowは、信頼性の高い電力変換を実現するために、常に最新技術を取り入れています。 環境への配慮 Sungrowは、環境への配慮を重視しています。再生可能エネルギーの導入を促進することで、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献しています。産業用DC-ACインバータは、エネルギー効率を最大化し、二酸化炭素排出量を削減するための重要な要素です。これにより、企業は環境負荷を軽減し、より責任ある経営が可能になります。 結論 Sungrowの産業用DC-ACインバータは、高度な技術と信頼性を兼ね備えた製品です。再生可能エネルギーの導入を進める中で、同社の革新的なソリューションは、多くの企業にとって競争力を高める要因となるでしょう。Sungrowの製品を通じて、未来のエネルギーシステムの構築に貢献できることは、企業にとって大きなメリットです。

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